This is Nox in his favorite spot - on top of me.
~ Pepper

This is Pepper, probably pretending to be invisible. Never gonna happen, dude!
~ Nox

This is us, laying like the yin yang symbol. We had a kind of fight who could be the yin (male) part, because, well, we are both super sturdy and muscular males and no one wants to be the pussy. I was definitely on the winning side, until one of our feeders (the one with the long hair, can't remember the name) explained that yin and yang are completing each other, instead of fighting against each other. Well, whatever, it was warm and cozy to sleep like this.
~ Pepper

You never imagine what happened today!! I was on our roof terrace doing my thing: showing off my muscles in the sun and drooling over the birds. Occasionally I take my chance and jump at them, although I know they're flying way too high. Of course I know that, I'm not stupid or anything. But there was this one bird: big, grey and so fat it was flying super slow and I really thought I could get it. So I leaped... and fell of the terrace: a story down. I was pretty scared and my super handsome face is ruined for ever!! Well at least for a year. Okay a week maybe.
~ Nox

Just started our blog and already received tons of questions, thank you so much! Good to know we are as popular as we thought we were. Unfortunately, most of you seem to think we are, well, "freakin' lazy bastards with too much hair". That's actually partly true, but I want to prove to you at least I am more than that. Forget about Pepper, he actually ís a freakin' lazy bastard with too much hair. In the next couple of weeks I'll show you some things I really like to do in my spare time. And with spare time I mean when I'm not sleeping or eating, of course. Well, enjoy my imitation of Rossini!
~ Nox

As you can see clearly, I'm hunting in lazy mode. 
~ Pepper

I totally LOVE the outdoors. I run at least eighty times a day to the backdoor in case it magically opens. Unfortunately, most of the time it doesn't and I look like a fool.
~ Nox